Adult Choir

The Westminster Presbyterian Church Adult Choir is a dedicated and talented group of
singers who rehearse on Sunday mornings from 8:45 – 10:15 am, weekly. The Adult
Choir is the main ensemble for the 10:30 AM traditional worship service, as well as
special services for Christmas Eve and Holy Week, and they enjoy singing a wide
variety of choral repertoire—including classical, jazz, gospel, and folk music–under
the direction of Music Director and Organist Bob Carlyon. Many of the choir’s
singers have professional musical careers and serve as music faculty at local schools
and universities. The choir has five professional choral scholars/section leaders, who
offer musical leadership to our wonderful volunteer members. The Adult Choir is open
to all, regardless of singing ability.
Anyone interested in joining the choir should
contact the church office or Bob Carlyon at
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